Midweek Lenten Meals and Services

Turning Toward God’s Abundance –  Wednesdays March 12th thru April 9th 2025
Gather each Wednesday for a time of fellowship and worship. Starting on March 12th, each week following a light meal, we will have a brief service including scripture, song, and a new prayer practice.

We will be partnering with First Lutheran in Geneseo to offer both a day time service option and an evening option:

Augustana Lutheran Church, Luther Hall – Andover
– Meal begins at 6:00 pm, worship to follow around 6:35 pm in Luther Hall
First Lutheran Church – Geneseo
– Worship begins at 12:00pm, meal to follow


Bible Study

Join us each Wednesday during the school year in the Fellowship Room from 9:30-11am for our Alphabetical Bible Study. All our welcome for a time of scripture and conversation–no pre-reading or prior knowlege necessary.


Save the Date for Camp Chaos!

Join us July 21-24th, 2025  for Vacation Bible School. We will play games, get crafty, and learn how Jesus is our path to peace in a chaotic world.

For preschool and elementary aged kids. All are welcome. Stay tuned for further event details to be posted here and on our facebook page.